Calculate Mean Temperature of the COldest month (MTCO) from daily values of temperature.

mtco(.data, ...)

# S3 method for numeric
mtco(.data, pb = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for tbl_df
mtco(.data, cpus = 1, ...)



Object with daily values of temperature. The object can be a:

  • Numeric vector

  • Data frame (tibble object) with a column called tmp, with values of daily temperature (a list).


Optional parameters, including cpus and pb.


Function to signal the execution of one cycle (e.g. progressr::progressor(...)). Default: NULL, do nothing.


Numeric value with the number of CPUs to be used for the computation. Default: 1, serial computation.


If the input (.data) is a

  • Numeric vector, it returns a single value for MTCO.

  • Data frame (tibble object), it returns the same data frame with an additional column called mtco, containing values for MTCO.

See also


Other utils climate: gdd(), mat(), mi(), mtwa()