Calculate Moisture Index (MI) from daily values of precipitation, sunshine fraction and temperature.

mi(.data, ...)

# S3 method for tbl_df
mi(.data, cpus = 1, ...)



Data frame (tibble object) (see the details section).


Optional parameters, including cpus.


Numeric value with the number of CPUs to be used for the computation. Default: 1, serial computation.


Data frame (tibble object) with the same input data and the addition of a column called mi, containing values for MI.


The input (.data object) data, should contain the following columns:

  • latitude: numeric values for latitude (decimal degrees).

  • elevation: numeric values for elevation (m A.S.L.)

  • pre: list of numeric values for daily precipitation (mm / day).

  • sf: list of numeric values for daily sunshine fraction (%).

  • tmp: list of numeric values for daily temperature (degrees Celsius).

See also


Other utils climate: gdd(), mat(), mtco(), mtwa()