Geographically Weighted Regression

gwr(.ref, ...)

# S3 method for character
  varid = NULL,
  coordinates = smpds::CRU_coords,
  res = 0.5,
  xy_buffer = 1.5,
  z_buffer = NA,
  cpus = 1,
  bandwidth = 1.06

# S3 method for numeric
  coordinates = smpds::CRU_coords,
  res = 0.5,
  xy_buffer = 1.5,
  z_buffer = NA,
  cpus = 1,
  bandwidth = 1.06


This function was adapted from a code developed by Yunke Peng ( - ETH Zürich:



Reference data from which the data will be interpolated (see the details section).


arguments to be passed to other functions


Table with geographical target data, including: latitude, longitude and elevation.


String with the identifier of the main variable inside the NetCDF file pointed by .ref (if applicable).


Reference data set with columns for latitude, longitude and elevation. Default: CRU_coords.


Numeric value for the mask resolution. Default: 0.5 degrees.


Numeric value to be used as the boundary for the search area in the x and y axes.

  • latitude < .tar$latitude + xy_buffer

  • latitude > .tar$latitude - xy_buffer

  • longitude < .tar$longitude + xy_buffer

  • longitude > .tar$longitude - xy_buffer


Numeric value to be used as the boundary for the search area in the z axis:

  • elevation <= .tar$elevation * z_buffer

  • elevation >= .tar$elevation / z_buffer


Number of CPUs to be used in parallel, default = 1.


bandwidth used in the weighting function, possibly calculated by gwr.sel


Table with interpolated values from the .ref data for each record/row in .tar.


The input reference data can be in any of the following formats:

  • Matrix: this should be a 3-dimensional object with spatial components (latitude and longitude) and a temporal component for representing each time step to be used for the extraction of the data.

  • String: this should point to a valid path on disk where the reference NetCDF file is stored. Note that the parameter called varid should be used to indicate the identifier of the main variable inside the NetCDF file (e.g., "tmp", "pre", "cld", etc.).


Peng, Y., Bloomfield, K.J. and Prentice, I.C., 2020. A theory of plant function helps to explain leaf‐trait and productivity responses to elevation. New Phytologist, 226(5), pp.1274-1284. doi:10.1111/nph.16447


if (FALSE) {
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
data <- tibble::tibble(entity_name = "University of Reading",
                       latitude = 51.44140,
                       longitude = -0.9418,
                       elevation = c(61, 161, 261, 361))
smpds::gwr(.ref = "/path/to/",
           .tar = data,
           varid = "tmp")

ncin <- ncdf4::nc_open("/path/to/")
reference_data <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncin, varid)
reference_data %>%
  smpds::gwr(.tar = data)